Cherry Balsamic Vinegar Dressing

Salad with tomatoes, radishes, lettuce and carrots.

A salad is nothing without a good dressing. Without oil in one’s diet, finding a good salad dressing seems impossible.  But low and below there is such a thing as flavoured balsamic vinegars.  There are stores like Evolution that sell these ‘delish’ dressings, however they are on the pricy side. So, why not try making your own cherry balsamic vinegar dressing? It’s a fairly simple process, you just need some patience while it ferments for at least 2 weeks before you can use it.

Supplies Needed

  • balsamic vinegar
  • fruit to infuse (I used organic frozen cherries from Costco)
  • mason jar
  • strainer/cheesecloth

How to Make Cherry Infused Balsamic Vinegar

  1. Pour balsamic vinegar into a saucepan to slowly heat for several minutes, careful not to boil.
    Balsamic vinegar heating in a pan

If you want lots of fruit flavour I recommend a 1:1 ratio. I placed 2 cups of organic frozen cherries into a mason jar and used my immersion blender until I reached a smooth consistency. You could throw them in blender as well.
Frozen cherries in a mason jar

3. Pour heated balsamic vinegar over top. Seal the lid to your mason jar and place in a cool, dark cabinet. It is recommended to let this ferment for 2-4 weeks. I left mine for 2 weeks.

4. Once it has fermented for a couple of weeks pour through a strainer or cheese cloth.

Straining balsamic vinegar with a metal strainer
5. Find a cool container for your delicious fruit infused balsamic salad dressing and enjoy!
I found this one at IKEA!

Make yourself a big salad loaded with fresh veggies and drizzle your tasty cherry infused balsamic vinegar dressing over top. I also love it on my rice and potatoes. Check out my Cherry Berry Crisp for more berry recipes. Let me know what flavours you tried and if you love fruit infused balsamic as much as I do.

cherry balsamic vinegar dressing recipe card
Cherry infused balsamic vinegarSalad loaded with tomato, cucumber, carrots, spinach and cherry balsamic vinegar dressing.