Get Better Faster With Castor Oil Packs

person standing on hand rails with arms wide open facing the mountains and clouds feeling better

Photo by Nina Uhlikova on

Perhaps you have been lucky enough to have heard about the wonder of castor oil but have you heard of castor oil packs? Sometimes I feel like I have been living under a rock with certain topics. How have I never heard of this before? I mentioned it to my mom and her response was “Oh yeah, your grandparents used them all the time!”

lemon and orange juice for feeling better

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This week, a dreaded cough sickness hit my house. The kids went down one by one with this awful cough that has been going around. It sounded terrible and phlegmy with no end in sight. I was desperately seeking an effective way to help them with natural remedies. I tried vegetables, fruit juices and smoothies; everything I could think of to provide extra nourishment but nothing was working, until we started using castor oil packs.

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What is Castor Oil?

Castor Oil is the oil from castor beans. This miracle plant is native to India but is also grown in South America and Africa. It has been used since biblical times. Egyptians made salves with it and Cleopatra allegedly used it to brighten the whites of her eyes. Castor oil has been a remedy for constipation and an aid in detoxifying the body. It also has been known to help with conception and induce labour.

Castor oil for castor oil packs
Photo by Mareefe on

Edgar Cayce who was known as a ‘bedside’ healer brought castor oil packs to light in North America during the 1900’s for healing many conditions and aliments (1). Castor oil packs today are a common practice recommended by Naturopaths.

19 Ways Castor Oil/Packs Can Help YOU?

  1. lung congestion:
    • asthma
    • bronchitis
    • cold/flus
  2. eyelash conditioner and promote eyelash growth
  3. hair growth serum
  4. hair conditioning and mositurizing
  5. nail serum (help with fungus)
  6. lip mosturizer
  7. laxative (very effective when dealing with constipation)
  8. detox
  9. dry eyes
  10. cataracts
  11. vision problems
  12. removing toxins
  13. strengthen immunity
  14. aids in digestion
  15. improve bowel movements
  16. increase lymphatic drainage
  17. menstrual irregularities, fibroids and ovarian cysts.
  18. swelling/painful joints
  19. reduce food sensitivities

Castor oil is truly a miracle plant and can help you in so many ways. Try looking up studies with castor oil under these health concerns.

3 Ways To Help With Celiac Disease

1. Constipation

If you are constipated, an oral consumption of castor oil can help move things along in your system. Castor oil contains 90 percent ricinoleic acid which is a fatty acid. The fatty acid binds to the muscles on your intestinal walls which help push out stools. This is also why it can be used to induce labour and NOT recommended if you are pregnant or menstruating.

hand flushing toilet

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2. Accidental Gluten Exposure

Oh no! You were exposed to ‘gluten’! Try applying a castor oil pack topically on your stomach. The oil is absorbed through the skin and using heat (from a hot water bottle) helps to absorb the oil deeper. Studies have shown castor oil to increase circulation of your lymphatic system as well as strengthen your immunity (2). In previous post about the practice of Gua Sha, I have mentioned how your lymphatic system is like your body’s sewer. It brings all the toxins, metals, infections, etc. to your liver and colon to be filtered and emptied out. So anything you can do to help this system along will benefit your body immensely.

jump shot photography of woman in white and yellow dress near body of water

Photo by Quang Anh Ha Nguyen on

3. Sore joints

Castor oil can be effective in treating sore joints or swelling. I used to suffer from really excruciating joint pains in my shoulders, knees and hips. A plant based diet has been the key for me to become pain free. However, studies have shown castor oil can increase circulation and heal your tissues and organs (3). So, if you are suffering from sore joints try applying a castor oil pack to the area in need of treatment. The results may surprise you.

4 Things You NEED To Make A Castor Oil Pack
person in red long sleeve shirt holding black and silver scissors cutting flannel cloth for castor oil pack.

  1. Flannel Cloth
  2. Castor oil
  3. Hot Water Bottle
  4. Old Towel (something you won’t care about if it gets stained)

How To Apply A Castor Oil Pack?

  1. Use an old flannel cloth.
  2. Drizzle some castor oil onto the area you are treating and onto the flannel cloth.
  3. Apply flannel cloth over the treatment area. (Some recommend wrapping plastic wrap around the flannel cloth but I skip this step due to its wastefulness) It’s still effective without. Edgar Cayce didn’t have saran wrap in the 1900s right?
  4. Place hot water bottle over the area.
  5. Cover with an old towel. CASTOR OIL WILL STAIN CLOTHING, BEDDING, ETC so use material that is not of importance to you.

Try to sit with the castor oil pack for 1 hr. The more you do the castor oil pack the better but it is recommended to do this at least 3 x times a week.

white ceramic mug on brown wooden table for castor oil pack
Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on


It is recommended you buy castor oil in a glass bottle not plastic like this one.

Did It Help My Kids With Their Cough?

Yes! I found making them a castor oil pack really helped clear up their coughs. I applied castor oil topically to their chests along with eucalyptus essential oil. We did this once in the morning and before bed. Not only does this help with a cough/flu but it feels so comforting, helping your little ones fall asleep. Give it a try and let me know in the comments below if castor oil has helped you in anyway.



