Make Everyday Epic With Juicing: Fight The Blahs

fruit and vegetable juice
Photo by Pixabay
Make everyday epic with juicing! Do feel like you need a boost? Feeling blah? Time to pull out the juicer and whenever I do I never regret it. Let me start by saying I know there is a lot of conflicting health advice about juicing.  Yes, I understand fiber is important and juicing is a form of processing our food (yada, yada). However, juicing vegetables and fruits can be a great habit to help you incorporate more healthy plants into your diet. Move over clouds here comes the sunshine! There are so many reasons to add juicing into your morning routine. Check out this post for a super yummy juice recipe.

The 5 Reasons Juicing Will Make Everyday Epic

Photo by Jane Doan

1.  You don’t like eating veggies

You don’t like vegetables and have a hard time choking them down. The texture of spinach isn’t your jam or maybe it’s the taste that turns you off. Push it the through the juicer with a little apple or carrot and all of a sudden the bitter spinach is masked with a sweet refreshing beverage you love. YUM!  

2.  Juicing gives our body a digestive break

One of the great things about juicing is how easy it is for your body to assimilate the nutrients, vitamins and live enzymes into your digestive system.  That is why I often drink my juices in the morning on an empty stomach. 

I love making my kids a fresh juice to start their day not only are they getting a healthy dose of nutrition but they really love the taste. My kids have so much fun making juice with me throwing in their ‘secret ingredients’ and watching it run through the juicer. They call the fiber coming out “Rabbit Poops”. I like to think of juicing as my secret weapon in fighting off colds/flus and keeping everyones immune system firing on all cylinders. Feeling the blahs? Make everyday EPIC with juicing!

3. It happens in nature

Did you know some Primates juice in nature? It’s a technique called ‘wadging’. They make a ball of food, stick it in their lower lip and suck away. Pretty cool right? You can read more about it on this website. I feel this is important to mention because if an animal is naturally inclined suck the juices out of its food perhaps it may open our minds to the possibility juicing is not just some modern dieting cult.

4. Juicing vegetables has healing capabilities

fruits and vegetables
Photo by Mark Stebnicki
There is a reason juicing is an important component of healing protocols like Gerson Therapy. If you haven’t heard of Dr. Max Gerson you can learn more about the Gerson Institute here which helps people heal from cancer and other aliments.

If you are suffering from an auto-immune disease juicing can really help.  As a celiac I can attest juicing really helped reverse the damage done to my intestinal vili.  It is definitely my number one tool to helping you feel better whether you are starting your healing journey or still trying to figure it out.  Give it a try and you will feel amazing!

Juice may also be a way to alkaline and nourish the blood while conserving energy. Think of all the acidic foods we tend to consume in our western diets like coffee, carbonated water, meat, dairy, processed foods, etc. These acidic foods can affect every part of our bodily functions. Our bones can become weak, we can have acid reflux, we can experience inflammation, promote cancer growth and bad skin to name a few. Juicing fruits and vegetables is alkalizing to our blood and easy on the digestive system. The energy you will get after a morning juice may cause you to rethink your caffeine induced latte. Or not, that may be too extreme. Lol!

5. Make everyday EPIC with Glowing Skin and Radiant Hair

long wavy shiny hair
Photo by Tim Mossholder
Instead of investing in expensive beauty creams or vitamins just try a morning juice!  I swear it gives you a healthy glow and clears up skin conditions. People often say juicing is expensive but think about how much money we spend on supplements, botox and fancy skin creams. We are spending hundreds of dollars a month on products that claim to diminish wrinkles or grow your hair at remarkable speed.

The best way to see results on your face is to have it come from the inside out. I love reading Dr. Hiromi Shinya’s Books. He is a retired Gastroenterologist who has some videos on you tube show casing intestinal health. You can check them out here.

I can tell if a person has good intestinal features and good intestinal bacteria the moment he walks into my office and I look at his face.”

Dr Hiromi shinya author of the enzyme factor 2

Your skin will reveal your intestinal age and vice versa. Not only is juicing a quick way to make everyday EPIC but you may notice so many other health benefits as well. Why not try juicing and see if it helps? Let me know if juicing has helped you out in anyway. Cheers to juicing! Leave a comment below.

beet juice