Let's Say Goodbye to Chronic Inflammation And Hello Energy!

green smoothie to fight inflammation

Are you looking to say goodbye to chronic inflammation and hello energy? You gotta try this green smoothie. It’s my go to when I want something fast and easy for lunch or breakfast. Sometimes I will even drink them all day long and it’s perfect if you have kids. I make this smoothie every morning for my kiddos to go with their breakfast before they head off to school. What’s better than a raw fruit and veggie breakfast? Are you looking for more ways to get veggies in your kiddos? Check out my post on juicing.

Seventy percent of your immune system is located in your gut according to gastroenterologist Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, author of the book Fiber Fueled. Yep! 70 percent! My mind was blown away when I read that too! We have the power to good health with everything we put in our mouths.

variety of fruits and vegetables

Why Should I Drink My Food?

Smoothies are super fast to make and they are so easy to transport. I pour them into glass containers and take them with me everywhere I go. You can also cram a lot of vegetables into a blender so if you are looking to increase your fruit and vegetable intake a smoothie is your answer. The best thing about a smoothie is it contains all the fibre and if you have a challenged digestive system a smoothie is pre-chewed making less work for your body to breakdown.

Canadian women need 25 grams of fibre per day and men need 38 grams of fibre per day. Most Canadians are only getting about half that much.

Health Canada website

Goodbye to Chronic Inflammation: Does My Smoothie Have To Be Green?

Green veggies like Kale, Spinach, Swiss chard, etc., are the most nutrient rich foods on the planet and I always try to add as many of these leafy greens as possible to my blender. Most days I use Spinach because its convenient to get on my weekly trip to Costco. I usually end up cramming 340 grams of Spinach into my Ninja Blender.

bag of spinach

Greens are super healing foods! Take look at the nutrient profile of 340 grams of raw spinach.

Many people with auto-immune diseases suffer from inflammation. It even seems like most people over 40 suffer from inflammation. What can we do about it?

Try Dr. Brooke Goldner’s green smoothies. She is one of my favourite plant based doctors and completely reversed her Lupus almost 2 decades ago by completely changing her lifestyle. She has amazing energy, always inspires me to eat more raw vegetables and I never tire of listening to her story on podcasts. One of her tricks to reducing inflammation is to jam pack a Vita-mix Blender with green veggies and top with 25% percent fruit. She recommends adding in a handful of flax or chia seeds to get your Omega 3 intake up which is super important for reducing your inflammation levels in the body as well. She has many testimonials from people she has helped including me and you can find her smoothie recipe here

You can find more about Dr. Brooke Goldner, her healing protocol and how to reduce your inflammation at goodbyelupus.com

Do I put Flax/Chia Seeds in my Smoothie?

For me personally, I find I cannot tolerate flax and chia seeds very well. I tend to break out with cystic acne on my face and body as well as experience bloating/pain in my digestive system. My body seems to function best when I keep things low fat. So I often leave these seeds out but I always wonder if I am the only one who can’t seem to tolerate seeds? Do any other Celiac people find this?

green smoothie

This smoothie will give you tonnes of energy and have you feeling better in no time! After drinking this I always feel like my cells are bursting with happiness and the fresh enzymes make me do a happy dance in the kitchen.

Goodbye Inflammation Smoothie Ingredients: Frozen Pineapple, Spinach, 2 Bananas

Ninja Blender containing spinach

The most important thing to do is jam pack your blender with the greens but we are NOT talking about a little handful. Get the most healing and nutrition stuffing as many greens as you can into your blender.

Dr. Brooke Goldner really helped me and hopefully this smoothie will help you say goodbye to inflammation. Let me know in the comment section below if you love green smoothies as much as I do?

Hello Energy Green Smoothie