How to Sprout Wholesome Superfoods for under $10?

Photo by Iwona Kisiel
Yes really! It can be dirt cheap to sprout wholesome superfoods! But what superfoods can you grow? Sprouts! Lentils, Chickpeas, Broccoli seeds, etc. Not much of a gardener or live in a small space? No problem. Sprouts are super simple and perfect for tiny apartments. I promise. If I can do it anybody can! But before we dive into how to grow these little beauties lets talk nutrition.
microgreen shoot

Photo by Akil Mazumder

Every dry seed has the potential to turn into a life force of rich living enzymes full of medicine for your body. These tiny living plants are wholesome superfoods because sprouts are loaded with vitamins, enzymes and minerals. Dr. Joel Fuhrman suggests in The Sprout Book by Doug Evans sprouts are secret weapons for preventing and healing cancer.

[…] they enable us to optimize our ITC exposure so easily and without high cost or risk of pesticides or contamination.

Dr. Joel fuhrman, the sprout book by Doug evans

What are ITC’s? Isothiocyanates are one of the many reasons why cruciferous veggies are so good for us. When you chop, chew or blend them, they convert from an enzyme into ITC’s. These ITC’s provide our bodies with :

  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Limit tumour growth
  • Detox
  • Prevent and stop DNA damage

Wow! Can you believe consuming these tiny sprouts can pack such a powerful punch? Perhaps instead of investing in expensive dietary supplements and pills we may be better off eating sprouts.

What are my Favourite Sprouts to Grow?

Let’s take a look at one of my favourite sprouts, Spilt Red Lentil Sprouts. According to Doug Evans in his book The Sprout Book, red lentils have the most nutritional benefit and twice the amount of antioxidants as unsprouted lentils. If you are looking for more iron rich foods to incorporate into your diet try lentil sprouts. Another interesting fact: The Vitamin C level goes up 400 percent from 5 to 21 percent of the Recommended Daily Allowance when sprouted! Isn’t that amazing?

green leafed plants

Where do I buy my seeds for sprouting?

I like to make sure my lentils are gluten-free. Legumes are often cross-contaminated so be careful if you are a Celiac. I use these lentils in other recipes too!

I sometimes will use sprouting seeds as well.

How do I Sprout Wholesome Superfoods?

The first thing you need to do is pour some seeds into a jar and fill with water. I usually soak my seeds overnight and drain them in the morning. Then, I pour my seeds into spouting trays. I use this handy sprouting tray (below). You can find something similar on amazon.

I find my sprouting trays are great because I have a small kitchen, I can put them anywhere. But, you don’t even have to invest in a sprouting tray!

When I first started I just used Glass Mason jars. People often recommend using cheesecloth to strain the water from mason jars but I didn’t feel like going through the trouble of buying cheesecloth. I found mesh onion bags/potato bags work great! Just cut the mesh to the size of your jar opening and use a rubber band to hold it in place. This allows you to drain the water from your jars. You can also find mason sprouting kits on amazon.

Sprout Wholesome Superfoods in plastic sprouting tray

Step 1

Whatever growing method you decide to use the next step is rinsing your seeds. I pour cold water twice a day through my trays at breakfast and dinner. If you are using mason jars just fill them up and make sure to leave you jars upside down to drain so your seeds aren’t sitting in water.

Step 2

Continue rinsing your sprouts every morning and night. Then sit back and watch your wholesome superfoods begin to sprout! It’s that easy my friends! In one or two days you will have little green shoots. I put them in my smoothies or top them on salads. I even give them to my dog Fisher. She loves them! They are delicious! Looking for more easy ways to incorporate veggies into your diet? Check out this green smoothie recipe.

salad with sprouts

Do you love sprouts as much as I do? What are your favourite kinds of sprouts? Please leave a comment below.